Carrie: My Time in Lockdown

My lockdown experience has certainly been emotional. Being stuck indoors with a 3 year old is tough! There’s been tears, tantrums, laughs, some more tears and many MANY more tantrums.

First week I was very productive. I had loads of activities set up throughout the day for my son Kian. Baking, painting, scavenger hunts etc. I spent time doing the housework and being productive. 

The second week I wondered why even bother doing any housework as the house is now in a worse state than it ever has been. 

Third week. Kian has decided he no longer likes baking or painting. Finding new activities to keep him entertained is really tough and it’s too easy to let him watch YouTube on the ipad. Although he’s now started speaking in an American accent - asking me for ‘3 dollars for candy’. One afternoon I made a little tea party outside for him with all of his teddies. He was so happy because ‘all of his friends were there’. It’s so sad that the only friends Kian gets to see now are his teddy bears. 

Fourth week - i’m on to my tenth zoom party and I still end up the most drunk every time. Waking up to Kian putting plasters on my face at 6.30am because I told him my head hurts is not ideal. 

Fifth week - anything goes!

Sixth week - living in leggings and having roots half way down my hair doesn’t even phase me anymore. I don't think I’ll ever be able to fit back into my jeans after the amount of snacks I’ve devoured. 

On the plus side there have been many special memories made. We go for our walk everyday, either down the beach or in the woods. Kian has loved having his mummy and daddy around everyday. We will never get this amount of time together as a family again and that time is so precious. 
